Odoo Translation of Custom Button in Language PO/POT i18n Files

Odoo Buttons Translation String

Probuse Admin

Odoo Translation

How to make your custom button string which show in your language using PO and POT - i18n folder

This blog will give you code hint where you can see you have to create POT and PO files in your custom addons so that you will be allow to translate button in your languages.

Please make sure you have created i18n folder in your module and add pot and po files.

This blog will show you how to do translation of custom buttons using module but same time you should be able to do that from web front end.


Odoo text and image block

.pot file content in i18n

Create .pot file with name of module - sale_order_custom_flow.pot

# Translation of Odoo Server.

# This file contains the translation of the following modules:

# * sale_order_custom_flow


#. module: sale_order_custom_flow

#: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:sale_order_custom_flow.view_order_form_inherit_workflow_add

msgid "Follow up"

msgstr "" 

.po file content in i18n

CREATE .PO FILE WITH language code - zn_cn.PO

# Translation of Odoo Server.

# This file contains the translation of the following modules:

# *sale_order_custom_flow

#. module: sale_order_custom_flow

#: model:ir.ui.view,arch_db:sale_order_custom_flow.view_order_form_inherit_workflow_add

msgid "Follow up"

msgstr "以邮件发送" 


On language form/menu we have ISO-code field we have to use it to create PO file ..... So if we see Dutch / Nederlands ISO-code=nl so we have to create nl.po