Odoo Document Attachment Dashboard

Document Dashboard in Odoo

Probuse Admin

Document/Attachment Dashboard for Users/Employees

Document/Attachment Dashboard - Odoo App

Document Dashboard

This app allow your users to view document dashboard and allow users/employees to access documents from one place dashboard.

Odoo CMS- Sample image floating  

Main Features:

  • Allow Admin to configure Documents Dashboard Items where Admin can create items for any Model(Object) in Odoo and set Allowed users who can see that item in Dashboard. So only selected Allowed users when logged in system will able to see that item in his/her dashboard.
  • Admin of System can see all Dashboard Items when logged in while users/employees from different departments like Sales, Purchase, Accounting etc etc will see Dashboard items based on Allowed users on setup and based on Access rights of Odoo. For example if Sales person A logged in then Sales Person A can only view documents where he/she is having access that means if Sales Person A does not have access of Sales Person B documents (As per Odoo Standard Security of Attachment) same time if Sales Manager logged and if he/she is having access to all the Documents then he/she can see all the documents.. So dashboard will respect Odoo standard security which has been applied by Odoo out of box.
  • Allow you to create Dashboard for different items i.e models like Sales Order, Purchase Order, Contacts, Stock Pickings, Project, Tasks, Production Order, Leave Requests etc etc based on applications you have installed in your Odoo DB.
  • Allow user/employee to quick add document directly from dashboard by select record of model directly.
  • Allow users/employees to see all documents and my documents directly from dashboard for given model/item.
  • Allow users/employees to search documents by name and index content.
  • Document Dashboard with Recent Documents for last 7 days.
  • Download now