Odoo Internal Requisitions Employee
Odoo Internal Requisitions
Probuse Admin
Odoo Product/Material Internal Requisitions by Employees/Users
Main Features:
- Allow your employee(s) to create Internal Requisition Request.
- Employees can request multiple material/items on single Requisition Request.
- Department Manager can approve Internal Requisition Request of Employee.
- Internal Requisition Officer can approve Internal Requisition Request of Employee.
- Email notifications will be send to Department Manager, Requisition Manager for approval Internal Requisition Request.
- Request for Internal Requisition will go to stock/warehouse as internal picking / internal order.
- Warehouse can dispatch material to employee location and if material not present then procurment will created by Odoo standard.
- For more details please see Video on live preview...
Workflow of Internal Requisitions by Employees/Users:
Draft ==> Confirmed by Employee ==> Department Approved by Depatment-Manager ==> Approved by Internal Requisition Officer ==> Requested Stock ==> Received
Product/Material Internal Requisitions by Employees/Users
- 1. Employee
- Employees can create Material Internal Requisition Requests.
- Employees can request multiple Material/items on single Material Internal Requisition Request.
- Employee can add Requisition Lines and Confirm Material Internal Requisition Requests.
- Employee can Print Material Internal Requisition Report in PDF Format.
- Once Employee Received Materials/Items on him/her location then he/she can Click on "Received" button manually at the end.
- Employee can see only Requisition Requests created by him/her.
- Department Manager can Approve of Department Approval of Material Internal Requsition.
- Department Manager can also Reject Material Internal Requsition.
- Department Manager can Print Material Internal Requisition Report in PDF Format.
- Requisition User can Approve Material Internal Requisition.
- Requisition User can also Reject Material Internal Requsition.
- Requisition User can add Picking Details Information in Material Internal Requisiton Form.
- Requisition User can Create Picking.
- Requistion User / HR Officer can set destination location on employee form and department form as per configuration.
- Requisition User can Print Material Internal Requisition Report in PDF Format.
2. Department Manager
3. Requisition User