Shop Agent Customer Sales Order Ecommerce

Shop Agent By Product for Customer

Probuse Admin

Create Sales Order by Sales Agent on Shop Website

Ecommerce Shop Shop Agent Create Sales Order for Customer

Shop Agent / Sales Agent Shop Ecommerce

Customer Select on Shop Website by Agent

This module allows sales agents/resellers / external agents to create sales orders on a website shop as shown the below screenshots. Sales agents can place orders in the shop on behalf of their customers. To allow sales agents to place orders on behalf of their customers, you have to assign a sales agent/shop agent to a customer.

Main Features:

Odoo CMS- Sample image floating  
  • Allow your sales agent / shop agents / resellers to create sales orders by selecting a customer on shop ecommerce.
  • Your agent can select customers and do shopping on behalf of the customer.
  • Let your sales agent order and manage their customers. Allows your sales agents to make purchases on behalf of their customers.
  • Using an app agent or sales person can make shopping from your website shop by selecting a customer and in the backend sales order will be created for that selected customer as well as customer invoice will be created for that selected customer only. [Note: We are using Odoo Standard Shop Flow so based on your configuration of the ecommerce shop Odoo will work].
  • Configuration to make agents is available in the backend on Agents menu with checkbox option. Note that Agents you are creating are res.partner / contact only. So the shop agent / resellers / sales agent belongs to the res.partner model only thus they are your contact.
  • Assign a Customer to a Sales Agent.
  • On customer form you also have to configure whether that customer will appear to all agents or only for some agents.
  • Download now