Odoo Hosting

        What we can do:

        We provide below services on Odoo Installation and hosting.

            1. Odoo Installation : All depends packages python installation + Postgres DB                                         + Odoo from Github + Backup script for DB Installation                                         + Up & running Odoo server. 

            2. Odoo Hosting on Cloud Servers / VPS / Dedicated Servers.

            3. Domain linked up with Odoo instance.

            4. Offer: If you want we can take care of Everything too.!
        We can also do Odoo SAAS installation on VPS.

        Note: All above services has different prices.
        Contact us for more details!.
        Enjoy using Odoo!

        Email: mustufa.rangwala@probuse.com

        Skype: mustufa_probuse